How to Help Ensure Preppers Survive Lightning Strikes
Lightning strikes can create huge problems while bugging-out. In this post we'll be discussing how to treat those who've been hit...and it's easier than you think!
Did you know that there’s always a lightning storm, 24 hours a day, occurring somewhere on the planet? Or that lightening does strike twice, even three times in the same place? Perhaps most surprising, is that after a strike hits people, you treat the deadest looking victims first.
Normally when confronted with multiple casualties, an explosion or airplane crash for instance, you first tend to those that might survive if treated quickly. You leave the dead - and save the “saveable.” That’s not the case with lightning victims. In that instance the dead are your first priority.
Why you ask?
Because most of the time they’ll spring back to life if you just breathe for them. The flash of blue and white current instantly overloads their nervous system, tripping the circuit breaker to their diaphragm. The self-generated electric impulses driving respiratory muscles become temporally paralyzed. So they’re going to need you to breathe for them for a few minutes. Just long enough for their system to reboot.
If you perform the ventilation part of CPR, then after a few minutes they’ll wake up. Completely confused at first, but in time they’ll be more or less normal. The important point to remember is that once they start coughing or breathing on their own, roll them onto their side. This way if they vomit, they won’t inhale what was in their stomach. Expect they’ll vomit...they just got hit by lightning after all.
What about chest compressions?
After a strike the heart’s intrinsic rhythms will kick back in almost immediately. It’s only the respiratory system takes 1-2 minutes to reset. The heart’s ability to recover quickly on its own, means rarely will you need to provide chest compressions – just ventilations.
HIV, Hepatitis C, and other communicable diseases are always a concern with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Several types of CPR masks are available to protect you. The image above shows a device called an Ambu bag. These are too big to carry around with you, but in a pinch you can detach the mask portion and use it to create a good air seal when you’re breathing for someone. The problem is it won’t have a one-way valve preventing the persons secretions from coming back up and into you.
It’s best to get a mask manufactured with a safety valve. Two are shown below. I recommend the pocket version because it saves space, and hopefully you won’t be using it a lot.
Catching a disease might not be a major concern, because you’ll probably be traveling with people you know well. Besides, if you are going to die, try to do it helping someone. I can’t say for sure, but suspect that somewhere you’ll get a TON of bonus points that way!

The above is from our new book: Treating Life-Threatening Diseases Preppers get.
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